Sunday, July 19, 2009

5 things I know about Makenzie already!

So today I was watching the episode of Grey's Anatomy where Lexi and Meredith tell each other 5 things the other doesn't know about them already. This made me start to think about 5 things I knew about the people in my life. Some of the things were funny, some not so funny, some boring, some really unique! Then I wondered if I could come up with 5 things I knew about Makenzie already. This is what I came up with!

*1* This is Jimmy Needham. I do not know him and he does not know me or Makenzie. Then what does he have to do with anything you might ask! Well, Makenzie LOVES his music. I didn't believe babies really did this before, but now I am a believer. Whenever his song "Forgiven and Loved" comes on the radio or my iPod, Makenzie goes wild. His music has a little different sound to it and I don't know if that is what makes it so that Makenzie is attracted to it but whatever it is, its cute.

*2* At 30 weeks these are Makenzies favorite cereal. These are been a big craving of mine over the last 2 months actually. Its funny because I am pretty sure that Alex and I could live off of cereal if it was an option ;o) we both love it. Alex likes his cereal crunchy. So much so that he only pours a little bit in his bowl at a time so it doesn't get soggy. Myself on the other hand purposely waits for the cereal to soak up some of the milk before I start my breakfast or snack. We will see how she prefers her cereal in a few years, but I am sure she is going t be cereal eater!

*3* Makenzie is a couch potato already! She is most active when I am sitting down on the couch with my feel on the ottoman and am watching TV. Between the position of my body and the noise of the TV it is a sure fire way to get her to wiggle around. When I sit in this position her movement is different, its not sharp strong kicks, its more like gentle, long lasting, pushes on the walls of my belly.

*4* Every once in a while Makenzie gets too still for a little too long and I start to worry about her. The best way to fix this problem.....4 or 5 gulps of cold Dr. Pepper! It is rare that I drink a soda these days. I have been sticking to tea and water mostly, and gatorade also lately. So between the caffeine, the bite that Dr. Pepper has, and the bubbles this gets her doing jumping jacks real fast....she must like it!

*5* When Lola goes to sleep at night she curls up next my stomach, during the day Lola likes to nap on top of my belly, but anytime Lola gets on top of Makenzie, Makenzie starts kicking! I think it must be Makenzie's way of petting Lola from the womb!


I'm going to lubbock this wednesday and count not be any more excited about it than I already am!!! I have to plans or events that have to be gone to but I am so excited to get out of Austin for some amount of days before this lovely bundle of joy that I carry around 24/7 arrives!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hope Now

Hope Now

Addison Road

This song has been on the radio forever but today it seemed to just fit perfectly!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Looks like a GREAT hospital bag to me!!!!"Daisy Daisy"

Splashway Please

I am loving being pregnant (most days) but goodness I am hot all the time! Alex is coming to Austin in August and I have been trying to think of things we can do that don't cost much and are more fun then sitting at home all day.

This place is only $15 a person and they let you bring your own food. I know Schlitturbahn is probably better but I can't ride the 'fun rides' there so I think I would rather go here and pay less to sit in the lazy river!! Its about 2.5 hours away but maybe some of his Houston friends can come up for the day also.

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July Fun

We went to the parade on Main St. in Round Rock. It was fun for the first 30 minutes and then it got super hot!

Lola even got in on the 4th of July action!

We went swimming when we got home which was great after a hot morning at the parade!
This is Gregory and mines favorite game to play!!!! Hullabaloo!!! He pretty much always manages to win but its still fun.

We fought the traffic and went to Austin for the fireworks and music at Lake Austin. They said 100,000 people comes down for this event. It was good but also probably the last time I go for a while. It was very loud and crowded and next July 4th Makenzie will be 9 months old and not interested in staying still or on a small blanket for any amount of time. Crazy to start thinking about things in terms of if Makenzie could do it or not :o)