Saturday, February 27, 2010

great bath time items!

I love the bath ring we got Makenzie last week. She is able to sit unassisted and play in the water! It's great!

Then today we got Makenzie a bath toy that is wonderful. It is from target. It jets around the tub blinking and making a fountain of water!!!


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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Look Brandi!

She is big enough to sit in her seat cover you got her. We love it!

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Friday, February 19, 2010

Raise them from a young age to follow Christ.

Tonight at SAMs I found the bible I had been looking to get Makenzie. I am sooooooo happy to have it. We love to read to Makenzie and this is the perfect way for Alex and I to start teaching Makenzie to love the Lord.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm a big girl now!

Tonight I decided to sit up by myself for 30 seconds or so.

I've got 3 teeth now and 2 more are poppin' in any day now.

I eat in my big girl high chair. I love squash, bananas, carrots, green beans, pears and hawian delight too!

I love teddy bears :0)

Mommy made me a cute Valentines day bow this week too! She is great!

Peace y'all!
- Makenzie

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tonight I made a link!

Yes, for thoes of you who took any class with Mitzi Ziegner, that is the "link" I am talking about! Except my link tonight was at church and it was kind of a chain of links. I went to a disciple now service tonight and sat with Matt, Lori, Kayler & Chloe.

Here is the begining of my link-
When I was in the 8th grade I went to a disciple now at there house. It was then that they began investing in my life. I went through high school spending time with and becoming a part of their family.

I moved to Lubbock to go to Texas Tech. I went "pot luck" for a roommate and got Haley! (and with Haley came her sister Holly!) The 3 of us started going to and devoted every Thursday night to a college bible study called Paradigm. This biblestudy and worship was lead by a band called Pearl Merchant and pastor John Randalls. I remember this being the time that I really developed a PERSONAL relationship with the Lord. I realized that if I let go of worrying what my roomates or the guys behind me thought my experience at church would be deeper and more intimate with God.

I went to the same churches disciple now Saturday night service last year. I remember that I had just found out I was pregnant and I sat on the gym floor praying this prayer. "God, obviously I have not lived a life that was glorifing to you. Obviously I have not lived the best life I know how, which is a life walking side by side with you. Lord the life inside me is real, it's permanent, it's perfect, it's your creation." I remember this prayer like I said it yesterday. "Jesus, I can't do this alone. Let's do this together. I need you." then I prayed for the next nine months and for Makenzie. I prayed that the Lord would love on her and be her Savior from a young age.

Tonight I stood in the same gym I was in a year ago, with a band that I love to worship with, with songs that remind me of great times in college, with people I love and I thanked God for his perfect plan and his guidance through out my life that has brought me to a perfectly wonderful place.

Happy baby, happy fieance, happy family!

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy valentines day

Feb 1, 2010

4 months old!!

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