Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas Stocking Extravaganza

As our family grew from 3 to 4 to 6 to 10 our Christmas stockings went from perfectly matching, to kinda sorta similar.
So this year, with the new addition of Baby Mak, we made everyone a new stocking to hang by the chimney with care!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Baby's 1st Thanksgiving!

We survived!
There was a lot of people over at our house today. Lots of people = lots of people picking up Makenzie and passing her around. It seemed like every time Makenzie laid down to take a nap someone wanted to hold her or someone new came over and rang the doorbell. Oh well, maybe she will sleep good tonight.

Gregory & Aubrey made everyone place mats with their names on them. It was fun and added some color to our table.
The night before Thanksgiving my mom and I were cooking and baking pies...Makenzie decided to come help us too!

Airport Adventures

We took Mak out to the airport to pick up Tara for Haley & Bretton's rehearsal dinner. While we were waiting on Tara's late plane we hung out in the parking garage. After we got Tara in the car we realized that we would not have time to get out to the rehearsal before it was over so the 4 of us hung out at Hill's Cafe until it was time to go back and get Lacy. After all the running around we had a great dinner celebrating the beginning of Haley & Bretton's wedding weekend!
Makenzie wore purple and brown because purple is Haley's favorite color and I was wearing brown so we would match!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fall Bows

I am going to Hobby Lobby 'Where Dreams Come True' this afternoon!
I love this fall tutu skirt and shirt. I think I will make one for Aubrey and Makenzie and get pictures of them together.
For Halloween Makenzie ended up with 8 different bows. They are now in a storage box to make room on the bow hangers for more. So this time around my goal is to make only 4 bows for fall/thanksgiving.

These are all of the bows I found that I liked. I printed them out on one sheet of paper and will take that with me to Hobby Lobby to use as a guide. We will see what kind of bows I come up with. It all depends on what ribbon Hobby Lobby has available and on sale!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!

And the Lord rained down purple pacifier manna from heaven..... okay not really but today the mail man dropped off 7 purple pacifiers to my front door and it was great!
Thanks to some lovely mom bloggers I went to high school with I found out where to order these from AND they are purple! Does it get much better than that?!?! Not sure that it does!
On a different note: I am trying to get Makenzie to start sleeping in her own crib or bassinet FOR REAL this time. Last time I said it I obviously didn't really mean it ;o) So I have been trying to only let her fall asleep while not being held by someone. This is hard! It is soooo much easier and faster to cuddle her to sleep! So this practice has gone okay the last two days and now it's time to move to step 2.....sleeping in her own area/NOT mine and Alex's bed! Tonight she has fallen asleep, not in my arms ;o) but in my bed ;o( SOOOO as soon as she wakes up to eat in the next hour or so I am going to lay her back down in the basinet and cross my fingers and say a prayer that she sleeps in there for the next 3-4 hours by herself! Updates to come....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

1 Month Well Check

On November 3rd we went to the doctor for Mak's 1 month well check. This doctor has yet to impress me so we will see how long he last. Makenzie weighed 10.3 pounds this time! She was 8.3 pounds at her 1 week appointment, 7.10 at birth and 7.11 when she was discharged. She is growing fast! She was 21 1/2 inches long which is 1.5 inches longer than she was when she was born and at her 1 month appointment. This explains why some of her footed pj's and pants are getting to be a little small already! Other that that information the doctor didn't say much else except that she looks good and healthy. Praise Jesus!
Can you believe this little turkey is already a month old! She was 1 month old on November 1, 2009 and really the time flew by. I know people always say that and it sounds silly but it's true!
We took Makenzie to the Picture People in the mall. I know that this is never a good experience (service wise) but the pictures really do turn out good and the price is perfect and it is easy to get what you want and not have 400 extra pictures left over to store for the next 23 years.
She took some pictures in her Halloween costume as a Peanut M&M, some pictures in a headband and a diaper, and some with a shirt that said 1 month that I made. They all turned out too stinkin cute but we decided on the 1 month, and Halloween costume pictures. Alex, Makenzie and I are going to go back for family/Christmas pictures at the end of the month! So lets brainstorm some cute outfit choices for that!

The Gas Monster!

The stupid (pardon my french) gas monster has attacked my little munchkin this week and I do NOT like it! Monday night at bible study was the first time Makenzie really cried for any length of time and was not consolable. I didn't know what to do with her or me for that matter. Nothing worked and usually something helps calm her. At that point I don't think she'd had a crying fit for longer that 5 or 10 minutes. Tuesday I clocked a crying period for 1 hour and 12 minutes! It was not a happy time. Then today it happened again, twice! The second time around I got the mylicon drops out. I was pulling for straws at this point and was willing to try anything. I gave her the drops and within about 10 minutes she was asleep, gassy but asleep. I will take hearing 'toots' all the time over not hearing them any day! If I can hear them that means they are coming out and no crying fits will follow!

Starbucks Has The Red Cups!

Everything at Starbucks is better in a red cup!
The holidays are close!

My Family from