Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Gas Monster!

The stupid (pardon my french) gas monster has attacked my little munchkin this week and I do NOT like it! Monday night at bible study was the first time Makenzie really cried for any length of time and was not consolable. I didn't know what to do with her or me for that matter. Nothing worked and usually something helps calm her. At that point I don't think she'd had a crying fit for longer that 5 or 10 minutes. Tuesday I clocked a crying period for 1 hour and 12 minutes! It was not a happy time. Then today it happened again, twice! The second time around I got the mylicon drops out. I was pulling for straws at this point and was willing to try anything. I gave her the drops and within about 10 minutes she was asleep, gassy but asleep. I will take hearing 'toots' all the time over not hearing them any day! If I can hear them that means they are coming out and no crying fits will follow!