Monday, September 15, 2008

Chuppah Wedding Ceremony

Alex and I have decided to have a Chuppah (sounds like hoop:a) as the focus of our ceremony. The Chuppah with the Star of David is an example of a traditional Jewish Chuppah. Ours will look a tad different than the traditionl Chuppah, as neither Alex or I are Jewish. Alex and I know that we are entering into a marriage that is centered in the Lord.  The Lord has blessed us with each other and we want so badly for Him to be the most important relationship in our lives. 

A Chuppah is a canopy traditionally used in Jewish weddings. It consists of a cloth, sheet or sometimes a prayershawl stretched or supported over four poles. A Chuppah symbolizes the home the couple will build together.

This "home" or Chuppa lacks furniture as a reminder that the basis of a home is the people within it, not the possessions gained. In a spiritual sense, the covering of the chuppah represents the presence of God over the covenant of marriage.


I really like the silver Chuppah with red flowers but would use blue flowers to replace the red. I also really like the while Chuppah with the overlay of color.....hmmm decisions decisions!