Friday, April 2, 2010

Trying something new

Alex and I are going to try a new feeding plan with Makenzie. Let me know what you think.

At the current time Makenzie gets a bottle whenever she wants and drinks however much of it she wants. She eats baby food around dinner, then we play for a while, then she get a little more baby food that is thickened up with baby cereal, and then a bottle to go to bed.

This was working okay for us. Alex and I don't lead too busy of lives outside of parenthood and it's pretty easy to stop and feed Makenzie on demand. Makenzie did find a loose pattern to bottle time but nothing strong or too regular (except the night time bottle).

Our new plan is really trying to get Makenzie to eat more formula 4 times a day and babyfood 3 times a day. Instead of letting Makenzie stop drinking at the first sign of contentness, we are going to really push for a big 7oz or 8oz bottle. This should eliminate as many feedings throughout the day.

Another this is during the day, Alex and I are both guilty of just feeding her a small 4oz bottle whenever Makenzie is fussy, for instant soothing. We are also both VERY guilty of this at night. It is way easier to give Makenzie a 2oz warm bottle and coax her back to sleep, than rock her back to sleep or rub her back in the crib for 40 minutes. We are going to try to cut out extra soothing feeds and try to get her to drink one 7oz bottle at night.

We are also trying to get Makenzie in the habbit of food beyond formula. And before you get all worked up, I am in no way suggesting supplimenting needed daily calories from formula, with baby food. We realize how fast the first 6 months went by and we know the next 6 will go by even faster, and at 1 year the suggest babyfood intake drops to zero and they are reccomend to eat 3 meals a day like grown ups. The increase in babyfood will be a pain in the booty because it's just a lot more work but....

Who said parenthood would be easy? NOBODY!

PS: it was kindly brought to my attention that the spelling and grammar on my blog was horrible. I'd like to ask for some understanding though, I blog from my phone! No spell check and the screen is too small to proof read :0)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone