Saturday, March 21, 2009

Doctors Doctors and more Doctors

This spring break has been a lot of fun, relaxing, and exciting on the baby front!

Wednesday I went to the doctor and she told me a bunch of stuff I already knew. She confirmed my due date for 9/26/09 (but we are holding out for the 29th so baby can have "Aunt Jen's" birthday!) Also at that appointment she listened to the heart beat.  Our little "Big Mac" is a kicker! Baby was kicking so much that the Dr. had to wait and do it again at the end of the visit so she could actually hear.  

Friday I went with my mom and Emily to get the first sonogram. That was fun! I was surprised at what all you can see in black and white on a 7.6cm peanut.  The spine was clearly visible, the heart was also.  We saw baby legs and baby arms, baby head (which is huge!) We also saw baby butt and she showed me a picture of a baby boy at 13 weeks and a baby girl at 13 weeks. There is a definite difference even at this stage and she said "all signs point to pink."  We aren't painting walls pink with ladybugs yet but its exciting to have a good guess one way or the other. 

These are some bedding choices that we are looking at.  Some girly, some neutral, some boy bedding I've found I like so far. 


Terri said...

I love the last one the most! I really like the name on the wall in wood letters. Very cute! it ok if we hope for a little Holly?

Brandi Natividad said...

I would love for a baby girl, but a boy would also be great. I can't wait!