Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Getting Our Work On!

Last weekend Alex was here and boy did I put him to work!!! The next time he is here will be when Makenzie is making her grand entrance so I needed some help with this stuff.
The bouncer was pretty easy to put together. My job was putting batteries in everything and making the hangy things hang.
The swing was a bit more challenging. Again I was in charge of batteries and I put the mobile together all by myself!!! This swing has 10 music choices and 6 natural sound choices. Alex and I got a kick out of the natural 'shot gun' sound. Its actually supposed to be a heart beat but it really sounds like a shot gun blast!
This was simple, I just watched. But fair warning on future diaper genie buyers...it doesn't come out like sausage links!!! The picture is a bit decieving, but its gonna keep the room smelling pretty!
EWWWWWW! This one took a college engineering degree to do! Alex was only an engineering major for 1/2 a semester so this was a challenge. The basic box part was already put together so that was simple, just push the red button down in the middle of the bottom. The rest of the contraption was a mess! Alex put it all together and helped me label the poles so when I have to do it on my own I can match up the stickers we put on them :O) Once we got it all put together we had to take it apart and get it all to fit back into the travel case it comes with. Getting it all back in that one pack was like a life size game of Tetris but we did it (after a few tries!!!) It is a great Pack N Play and I know it will get great use!!

We also washed all the 'newborn' sized clothes, blankets, crib sheets, socks, and bibs. I'm not convinced this was at all necessary but everyone says to do it so thats what we did. While baby clothes are small they still take forever to fold and doesn't make laundry any more fun :o)


Brandi Natividad said...

Everything is coming together, how exciting!