Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our Schedules Are Off!

Good Morning! Rise & shine & give God the glory glory. Rise & shine & give God the glory glory. Sing praises to our Lord.

It's 5:47am and Makenzie is in full swing :0( The last two days Makenzie has had some tummy issues. The out pipes were backed up on Sunday so we gave her some apple juice. That sure corrected that problem. But, on Monday her tummy hurt again. Maybe too much apple juice? Not really sure. So yesterday she cried off and on (mostly on) from about 2 in the afternoon until 7 in the evening. Thank God for grandmas that will take a turn holding crying baby and give mommy a break every once in a while! Around 7 she finally went to sleep. She cried through her naps yesterday so I'm sure she was super tired. I sure as heck didn't wake the finally sleeping baby even though I knew it was way too close to bed time. And now it's 5:55 in the morning and I'm watching Makenzie play with her toys in her crib.

Joyful times of motherhood!