Monday, January 25, 2010


So I get off work at 5 and get home 5:45-6:00. Bed time for Makenzie is usually between 7 & 8 and my bed time is around 9 or 10.

Tonight makenzie ate at 6 when I got home & was asleep by 7. It's a bummer when I only get an hour with her all day. Pray for all of us during the time of transition.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Terri said...

Holly, what is your new job? Is there any chance you could get a different job working earlier so you would have more time with her? I'm so sorry. I know what it's like feeling like you are missing out on so much. I worked nights when Brandi was a little baby so I slept when she was awake and worked when she slept. I hated it!