Meet the pacifier! (or any other cute name you wish to call it)
Well....Today at Walmart we were on the toothpaste isle and the beloved pacifier fell on the ground. This put the pacifier out of commission until it could be sterilized in the steamer at home. We finish our shopping and get to the checkout where the out of commissioned pacifier falls out of the stroller again and on to the flood. I said "Ewww I'm willing to let the pacifier fall once on the Walmart floor and still use it but twice is out of the question." My mom and Emily quickly give me 'the look' and we all laugh because OBVIOUSLY I am joking. The ding dong behind the register as me if I would like him to throw the pacifier away!!!!! I started laughing at him and told him we would just take it home and sterilize it. Obviously he does not know that I am already going to have to break into the NICU and steal a bag full of these orange pacifiers when these two get lost or start to get nasty and I'm pretty sure that the law might consider that stealing but it will be totally worth it!
Tomorrow is Halloween and my costume for Aubrey's party is amazing....I'm sure you will be loosing sleep tonight wondering what it could be! Pictures tomorrow!
Gumdrop pacifiers are available in pink, orange, and blue at Baby Earth or online in pink, orangem blue, and purple at We bought them for my daughter. :) Just thought you might want to know so you don't have to resort to stealing from the hospital. lol.
Baby Earth!! They have 'em :)
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