Monday, September 28, 2009

UPDATE: uno.....DOS

Went to the doctor and somehow managed to get in and out in only 35 minutes! And that included a 20 minute Non Stress Test! After you pass your due date they want to make sure that the baby is moving and reacting to their heart rate. They hooked me up to a monitor that charted the babies heart rate and when I felt her move I pressed a button and that somehow went on the chart also. The nurse came in and checked the paper about 1/2 way through and said "Ohhh your having a contraction. Can't you feel that?" UMMMM NO! I had no clue I was having any type of movement let alone a contraction. After that test the doctor came in a checked me and I am still not dilated or making any other types of progress so the induction date is still set for Wednesday night at 6 o'clock. This is great news!

On a less fun note: Alex woke up this morning feeling crummy ;o( pray for him to stay healthy and not get sick during this week that he is here in Austin.