Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's my 100th post!!!! Brandi be proud!

Miss Brandi is the lady who got me hooked on blogging. First it was wedding detail and then Makenzie details and soon it will be a little of both again, as Alex and I get ready to start planning wedding stuff again in the coming months! So thanks Brandi and heres to another 100 post!

Now back to the baby update! We have been here at RR Hospital for about 4 hours and my bum is num! They stuck me in a bed and are pretty reluctant to let me up. With it being an induction they feel the need (for some medical reason I am sure) to keep me hooked up to monitors and in bed. The contractions are about 5 minutes apart and sometimes they hurt a lot and sometimes they don't. This last contraction is in my back and HOLY MOLY I am not a fan of that! The visitor list is starting and the nurses are I'm sure very pleased with that :O) Matt and Lori and the girls have been by, my mom and Emily came after that for a while, and then Avery and Ashley came up after that to bring Alex some Jack in The Box. He was in heaven!

The nurse just came back in and game me Ambien so I could sleep tonight! Whoohoo! Good night y'all! If anything good happens I will let you know!


Terri said... we have baby yet?

Brandi Natividad said...

I am so glad, you keep up with it.