Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You know your almost done being pregnant when....

1. You can justify getting out the chips and dip at 9pm.

2. When people say please wait to have your baby until you leave the restaraunt.

3. When you husband starts counting down the days until he will be able to "get it" again.

4. Peeing in a cup mostly means peeing on your hand.

5. u kick everything on the floor into a pile because you cant bend over to get it

6. or cant reach your legs in a bathtub to shave

7. People check your finger for a ring, and when you're not wearing one because your fingers are too swollen to do so, you want to flip them the bird for giving you that "oh my goodness, another one" look.

8.rolling over at night requires a crane lift and a LOT of groaning.

9.when you decide to just go ahead and EAT the ice cream, what do you have to lose?

10.When the people at work are discussing who among them will be delivering your baby because you look like you are literally about to pop.

11.When people at work see you and say "YOU'RE STILL HERE????!!!"

12.When you laugh at the scale because the # on it is just ridiculous and you don't care.

13.The only mobility you have is to lean back..no other direction seems to work.

14. you long to be able to see "down there" to know how bad it is.

15. when you go to wipe.. you have to build up momentum to reach that far

16. when you go out of the house without a shower, still in your t-shirt and shorts you wore to bed, no make-up and sunglasses to cover the circles under your eyes and you don't care because again you are just proud of yourself for getting out of bed.

17.when sitting down requires you to open your legs.

18. when your belly hangs out the bottom of your maternity shirts,

19. when you feel proud of yourself when you finally figure out how to bend to put pants on.

20. When you go through almost an entire roll of toilet paper in 2 days.

21.When you spend so much time at the dr.'s office that you know all the office gossip

22.When you wish you could find a way to sleep that didn't require a million pillows and the fan on the highest mode it can go.

23.When you can feel your baby move in your pelvis, ribs and both hips at one time.

24.When you just get down on all fours to pick something up because you know there is no way you are ever going to be able to bend over and get it then wonder how you are going to get back up.

25. When you can figure out which body part it is that is projecting out of your belly just by feeling it for a second.

I wish i could say that this was a joke but every single on of these things are true and part of my life on a regular basis. Life is what it is these days and sometimes its just not classy, lady like, or pretty. Even with all these crazy things happening I love this little peanut and am so excited for her arrival.


Megan said...

I love it! ;)

You're ALMOST there!

Brandi Natividad said...

That is hilarious! I can't wait to see you, I will be down there in two weeks!